A very beautiful historical place in Moscow where you can see a lot of old buildings that are built in a Russian style. WHILE Walking in this park you will be translated into a fairy place of Aleksey Mikhailovich times.
The main historical facts about Kolomenskoe
1. The Moscow state museum-reserve was created in 2005 on the basis of the state memorial estate "Kolomenskoe".
2. Since the 14th century the museum-reserve Kolomenskoe was the country residence of the Moscow princes. The first mention of the museum-reserve occurs in Ivan Kalita's will in 1399
3. In 1667 — 1668, when tsar Alexey Mikhaylovich owned Kolomenskoe, the wooden palace in which there were 270 rooms was built.
4. The flourishing of Kolomenskoe comes to an end when St.Petersburg becomes the capital of Russia. During the reign of Catherine II the palace, which has decayed because of old age, was demolished. Construction of the new palace has been executed on the new place, opposite to a northern facade of church of Rise.
5. In 2001 — 2007 in the park repair works have been carried out and the reserve was restored.

«This place can be visited at all seasons of the year and it is always possible to find for yourself some activity, for example, to visit the museum».
Olga L
Historical buildings on the territory of the park
On the territory of the park you can visit:
*Church of the Ascension
*Palace of the tsar Alexey Mikhaylovich
*Bell tower of church of the great martyr Georges the Victorious
*Church of Our Lady of Kazan
*Palace gate
*Spassky Gate
*Palace pavilion

These are the main historical buildings on the territory of Kolomenskoe, which you should visit first.

Palace gate
About homestead museum
1. Church of the Ascension
The church wasn't intended for a big crowd of people. Despite the impressive sizes, the area of the internal room of only 8,5х8,5 meters. Height of the room is 41 meters.
Church of the Ascension is one of the first tent stone temples in Russia and it is situated in Kolomenskoe. All these years it wasn't exposed to considerable reorganizations and reconstructions, which became one of the reasons for the adding of a monument in 1994 to the List of the world heritage of UNESCO.
2. The Palace of the tsar Alexey Mikhaylovich
The wooden imperial palace was built in the village situated near Kolomenskoe in the second half of the 17th century. It represented a very difficult system of the certain wooden rooms connected by transitions. Because of the rich and exotic décor the foreigners, who saw it, admired the palace. The palace was demolished in 1767. The bases of the palace have remained. It was recreated in 2010.
3. Bell tower of church of the great martyr Georges the Victorious
It was constructed in the first half of the 16th century and firstly was a belfry of Church of the Ascension. In the 17th century the bell tower was reconstructed in Saint Georgy's church. In the late twenties Baranovsky returned the bell tower an original form. In the remains of the church the warehouse was placed. It was again consecrated on December 8, 2000.
4. Church of Our Lady of Kazan
Was constructed in 1651-1671 on the new Monarchic yard of Kolomenskoe. First, the wooden temple in honor of an icon of the Mother of God Kazan in the memory of exile in 1612 of the Polish-Lithuanian interventionists from Moscow was built. In the 17th century it was the house church of the wooden imperial palace.
5. Palace gate
Were constructed in 1672-1673. They served as a ceremonial entrance to the imperial homestead in the 17th century. The Gates consist of four tiers and the Clock tower constructed in 1672-1673.
6. Spassky Gate
Were constructed in the 1670th and served as an economic entrance to the imperial estate. The Gates have two entrances: one wide, intending for wagon trains and riders, and other narrow one for pedestrians.
7. Palace pavilion
It was constructed in 1825 by the architect Tyurin. It is the only original construction of the Aleksandrovsky palace. Now there are exhibitions of modern painting, sculpture and applied art in the pavilion.
About nearest events
3 march, 2018
7.00 pm
Evening of vocal music
Oleg Alexandrov (baritone)
Konstantin Odegov (piano)

4 march, 2018
2.00 pm
"Boris Godunov"
Concert from a cycle
"Gold pages of opera classics"

4 march, 2018
"Opera and not only"
Oksana Belenkaya (soprano),
Alla Vasilchenko (mezzo-soprano)
10 march, 2018
7.00 pm
Concert from the cycle "The Production Center of V. Vekselman Represents"

Some advice
Before your visit to the park stock up with time because the park is huge and there are a lot of museums there.
Near the metro station Kashirskaya there are the main part of the sights of the park therefore begin your travel with this metro station.
Before your visit to Kolomenskoe, make your own rout because you won't see the whole territory of the park.
Working hours
from 8.00 to 21.00
  • In summer (from 1 april to 29 septembre):
    • daily (expect Monday and Saturday) from 10:00 to 18:00
    • at Saturdays from 11:00 to 19:00
    • Monday is weekend
  • In winter (from 30 septembre to 31 march):
    • daily (expect Monday) from 10:00 to 18:00
    • Monday is weekend
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